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Cornerstones of Creativity: Clarity

THE QUESTION: Where does clarity come from and how can it enhance my creative life?

Clarity is the ability to be clear – about your preferences, use of time, purpose and goals. It’s linked to curiosity. A side benefit of curiosity is that you begin to know what you don’t like in addition to knowing what you DO like! Knowing yourself better reinforces your desire to employ a creative approach to your world.


Even if we think we know what clarity is, we don’t always know how to access it and use it to make changes in our lives.


Clarity is related to the word CLEAR and clearing opens up mental and physical space for creating. Jolts of clarity come from literally clearing:

  • Clearing out space – casting off, re-purposing, re-arranging.

  • Clearing out negotiable time – the time you have for personal pursuits and interests.

  • Discovering through curiosity what you care about and then making it a priority.

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